
Three Elements that drove the creation of LoveBiome

February Update from Kelly Olsen, CEO and Founder of LoveBiome

Hello everyone,

For years I had a habit of creating a monthly update to share with field and corporate partners regarding news and thoughts about the state of our company, future vision, and personal development.

I have to admit that I have thought about this often as our first year of LoveBiome has progressed. With social media, Weekly 20 and so many other communication points, I think I have failed to fulfill this important responsibility.  

I have a unique perspective that I’d like to share with you. And I’d be honored if you would allow me to share with you what I see.

To me, there were three elements that ultimately drove me to consider that LoveBiome is a company of destiny. I want to share those with you, and hopefully, by doing this, you will understand our vision of LoveBiome better and understand why we believe it is a company of destiny.

The first element is human. Specifically, our team. Circumstances that were beyond our control made all of us available to join together at the perfect time. Shon, Cody, Kenny, Adam, Joy, David, Amber, and Bengt. Nine of us altogether. The universe arranged all of us to be searching for each other at the same time. We had been together building a company that we loved for over 20 years. 20 x 9 = 180 years+ working together. Each of us in our own way, with our own talents and skills. 

The likelihood of bringing nine key skilled partners together at the same time is infinitely small. Experts in Europe, Asia, and the Americas, marketing, technology, finance and commissions, customer service, international expansion, and corporate leadership. This is the first miracle of LoveBiome.

The second element for me was simply discovering for myself that the human microbiome has been referred to as “The Center of Health”. You may not think this is such a big deal, but to me, it was the exact message I was looking for. The Center of Health! In other words, this was the ONE THING that I had been looking for. The one thing that could change human health, vitality, longevity, performance, appearance, and love of life. In this world of cluttered, complex, and mixed messages in nutrition, health, beauty, and vitality, we have discovered the CENTER of it all. This opened my eyes to opportunities that we would never exhaust. This directed my attention to a cause that could actually change the way everyone views their body, their health, and their life.

The third element was the element of opportunity.  As we all continued to read, research, and learn about the Center of Health, the human microbiome, it became so clear to us that we were witnessing a massive new trend in the world of health and nutrition. The old “eras” of discovery have given way to a new “era” of innovation and awareness that would literally rewrite everything everyone has known or believed about their personal health. 

We realized we were at the beginning of perhaps the biggest wave of them all: The Era of the Microbiome.  

The Era of the Microbiome will be a time of learning and education, awareness of how our bodies really work, and of course, product development and innovation that will create massive new opportunities for those who see it and have the vision.

We launched in 2022 and during the year, we met every single one of our goals. We are at the threshold of a new year and we are anxious as ever to part the curtain and let everyone know what we see in this exciting “Breakout” year. We will present to you our message in ways that will inspire you and build your vision (the most important first step); we will lay out our specific plans for your financial success, from entry-level, through team building and finally reaping great rewards at the pinnacle; we will reveal our pathway of product development and innovation so you will see how we intend to be the leaders in the Era of the Microbiome; we will reveal our outsized goals for international expansion and we will educate you on the key tools, support, and technology that will make it all work.

I always taught my kids to continue to follow their best path of learning and preparation and as they did, doors of opportunity would appear to them.  Most often, these doors would be hidden from them at first, but as they took step by step, the doors would appear and if they were ready, they would recognize the door of opportunity and be able to enter and enjoy.  

I invite each of you to take this same approach. Consider the three elements that I listed above. Act each day to share, educate and invite individuals to our cause. As you master our message and catch our vision, it will be easier and easier to do, and as you do, I guarantee that doors of opportunity will make themselves known to you, you will recognize them and you will be ready to enter. Those doors will lead to greater business success, larger teams, and a greater personal vision that you can use to drive your goals forward.

We shared our plan for 2023 at our Leadership Summit in Florida and will continue to share it throughout subsequent meetings around the world. This plan is everything you will need to be wildly successful this year. Pay Attention.

With the greatest good wishes to each of you,

