Reflecting on Three Years of LoveBiome
Written by Amber Knudsen; Co-Founder & VP, Business Development
When we launched LoveBiome on 2/2/22, I had no idea the journey would be this transformative. As we wrap up our third year of growth, I can’t help but reflect on our accomplishments, the lives we’ve touched, and the personal and professional growth we’ve experienced as a company.
I’ve always had a deep desire to be part of something meaningful—something that truly changes lives. In 2010, shortly after having my first child, I was diagnosed with a debilitating autoimmune disease. Doctors told me I’d be a lifetime patient, reliant on medications forever. Over the next decade, I tried everything—medications ranging from antibiotics to steroids to chemotherapies; lifestyle changes, diets ranging from paleo to juicing—but I never found lasting relief. While there were fleeting moments of improvement, I was often overwhelmed by symptoms, exhausted, and unable to function. My family and friends became my lifeline, helping me navigate life with two young children.

Then, in 2021, I was invited to join a new venture with colleagues and mentors I deeply admired. The company’s mission was laser-focused on gut health, and I felt a spark of hope that this might be the breakthrough I had been searching for. The more I learned about the microbiome, the more convinced I became that long-term improvement was possible.
When we launched PhytoPower in February 2022, I committed to taking it daily. Within months, my life began to change. My skin, plagued by acne since my teenage years, cleared up for the first time in decades. Chronic sinus issues and headaches disappeared, I no longer craved sugar, and, most importantly, my gut health improved in ways I never thought possible. Eventually, I was able to eliminate my need for medications and I became my own advocate for wellness.
But this journey isn’t just about me. In just three years, LoveBiome has empowered thousands of people around the world—not just with better health, but also with financial opportunities.
Of course, no company is perfect, and neither are we. But every day, we’re striving to improve—whether it’s enhancing our products, refining our customer service, or ensuring smoother delivery systems.
This is the era of the microbiome, and I hope you’ll join me and thousands of others who are learning how to take control of their health and their future. At LoveBiome, we’re not just building a business; we’re building a community and changing lives.
Here’s to continued growth and transformation—for all of us.